Agreement to CHAT Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct Spring 2025

Please read this form carefully and sign in the appropriate boxes. This form is signed to show that you are agreeing to the CHAT Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct. These forms are located on the CHAT website. Please read these forms carefully and fill in your name and date for your signature. If you have any questions about these forms, please contact us and we will answer any questions that you may have.
Please select all that apply.
Sign in this section if you are in agreement with the CHAT Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct, and you have no questions about the document.

By signing below, I commit to standing in agreement with the given Statement of Faith and the Code of Conduct and will continue to do my best in following these standards with my life.  I understand that I am enrolling my child(ren) in a non-denominational group of Christian families, and that my child(ren) will be taught using Christian principles and standards of living.  I will willingly assist my child(ren) to follow CHAT's standards while they are in attendance at CHAT and at all CHAT functions even if they are not my personal standards. I understand that while denominational differences are not purposefully discussed in the classroom, I will instruct my child(ren) that they will bring spiritual belief questions to their parent/guardian out of respect for the teacher and their classroom.  Teachers and assistants in the classroom will divert such topics to parents/guardians for final answers.

I understand that CHAT is a private organization and if I do not align with the Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct my membership may be put on hold or may be denied.

My life, belief, and conduct outside of CHAT will reflect CHAT Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct.

This form should be signed by the parent/guardian who will be attending and participating in CHAT activities each week.
Sign in this section if you have questions about the Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct, and you would like to have a conversation with the director.

Our family cannot sign the Statement of Faith or Code of Conduct.  Please indicate below if you have a religious or lifestyle difference that prohibits you from honestly signing these statements.   If needed, our director will contact you to see if, through kind but honest discussion, your participation in CHAT will be profitable for your family. 

If we choose to participate in CHAT in spite of religious or lifestyle differences, I understand that a parent will still be allowed to attend functions as a guest, and I will not mock CHAT's standards nor force my own standards onto others while I am in attendance.  I will willingly assist my children to follow CHAT's standards while they are in attendance at CHAT and at all CHAT functions even if they are not my personal standards.

Please select all that apply.


Please read this form carefully and sign in the appropriate boxes. This form is signed to show that you are agreeing to the CHAT Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct. These forms are located on the CHAT website. Please read these forms carefully and fill in your name and date for your signature. If you have any questions about these forms, please contact us and we will answer any questions that you may have.